日程 2013年10月5日(土)〜7日(月)
場所 浜名湖ロイヤルホテル (静岡県浜松市)
Title: Researchs in F-Lab.
Takuya OMURA (大村 拓也),
Title: GRAINE (Gamma Ray Astro-Imager with Nuclear Emulsion)
Hiroaki KAWAHARA (河原 宏晃),
Title: Study of tumulus by the method of muon radiography
Katsumi ISHIGURO (石黒 勝己),
Title: Development of the nuclear emulsion readout system HTS
Masahiro Yoshimoto (吉本 雅浩),
Title: Dark matter detection with special fine grain emulsion
Takashi ASADA (浅田 貴志),
Title: Analysis system for directional dark matter search with nuclear emulsion
Takayoshi Katsuragawa (桂川 貴義),
Best presentation awardを受賞しました
Title: Analysis system for directional dark matter search with nuclear emulsion
Takayoshi Katsuragawa (桂川 貴義),