Category Archives: international conference

25th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids

25th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids
September 4-9, 2011 Puebla, México

Speaker: MORISHIMA Kunihiro(森島 邦博)

R&D status of nuclear emulsion for directional dark matter search

“R&D status of nuclear emulsion for directional dark matter search”
conference: CYGNUS2011: 3rd Workshop on directional detection of Dark Matter
date: 2011.6.7-10
place: Aussois, France
Speaker:NAKA Tatsuhiro(中 竜大)

11th International Workshop on Next generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors

11th International Workshop on Next generation Nucleon Decay and Neutrino Detectors (NNN10)
2010/12/13-16 Toyama, Japan

Status and results from the OPERA experiment
Speaker: Tsutomu FUKUDA (福田 努)

22nd European Cosmic Ray Symposium

22nd European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS)    2010/08/03-06 Turku, Finland
The 38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly    2010/07/18-25 Bremen, Germany
XVI International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2010)    2010/06/28-07/02 Fermilab, US

Balloon-borne gamma-ray telescope with nuclear emulsion
Speaker:TAKAHASHI Satoru (高橋 覚)

Identification of Dark Matter 2010

Identification of Dark Matter (IDM) 2010    2010/07/26-30 Montpellier, France

Status of Nuclear Emulsion for Directional Dark Matter Search
Speaker:NAKA Tatsuhiro(中 竜大)

Neutrino 2010

Neutrino 2010    2010/06/14-19 Athens, Greece

Status and results from OPERA
Speaker:SATO Osamu(佐藤 修)


Miami2009    2009/12/15-20 at Lago Mar Resort, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA

Status of the OPERA Experiment (PPT_23MB)
Speaker:Junya YOSHIDA (吉田 純也 DC2)

Software Awards (MacKichan Software) 受賞

Japan-US seminar on “Double Beta Decay and Neutrinos”

Japan-US seminar on “Double Beta Decay and Neutrinos”
2009/10/13-17 at Hawaii’s Big Island, USA

Double beta experiment using current nuclear emulsion technology (PDF_2.1MB)
Speaker: M. Nakamura (中村 光廣)
Japan-US seminar on “Double Beta Decay and Neutrinos” Session III – 12(Mon.)Afternoon


2009/8/30-9/2 at Kobe, Japan

Search for numu -> nutau appearance in OPERA
Speaker: Seigo Miyamoto(宮本 成吾)

DPF 2009

DPF2009-APS : 2009 Meeting of the Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society
2009/07/26-31 at Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA

The Nuclear Emulsion Technology and the Analysis of the OPERA Experiment Data
Speaker: Tsutomu FUKUDA (福田 努 DC3)
DPF2009 Parallel Session : Neutrino Physics II – 28 July