Category Archives: international conference

国際会議ITMNR-8 における発表

8th International Topical Meeting on Neutron Radiography
北京大学 英杰交流中心

●Toward ultra high resolution position sensitive neutron detector using fine-grained nuclear emulsion
Naotaka Naganawa

国際会議Tau2016 における発表

The 14th International Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics
18-23 September 2016, IHEP, Beijing

●SHiP: a new facility with a dedicated detector for studying tau neutrino properties
Masahiro Komatsu

国際会議Blois2016 における発表

Blois 2016:
28th Rencontres de Blois on “Particle Physics and Cosmology”
May 29 – June 03, 2016
BLOIS France

●NEWS: Nuclear Emulsions for WIMP Search
Masahiro Yoshimoto

国際会議 IDM における発表

Identification of Dark Matter
2016 18-22 July 2016
the Cutlers’ Hall, Sheffield, UK

Oral presentation
●The Technical Improvements for NEWS Experiment
Takashi Asada

国際会議ISVHECRI2016 における発表

19th International Symposium on Very High Energy Cosmic Ray Interactions (ISVHECRI 2016)
22 – 27 August 2016
Moscow, Russia

Oral presentation
●GRAINE balloon experiment in 2015: Precise observation of cosmic gamma rays by high-resolution emulsion telescope 
Hiroki Rokujo

●Latest Nuclear Emulsion Technology: Production, Readout, and Interaction Analysis
Hiroki Rokujo

国際会議NUFACT2016 における発表

18th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories and Future Neutrino Facilities (NUFACT2016)
26th August 2016, Quy Nhon, Vietnam

Invited talk
●J-PARC T60: Precise measurement of neutrino-nucleus interactions with Nuclear Emulsion
Tsutomu Fukuda

●Tau-neutrino production study at CERN SPS:Novel approach by the DsTau
Osamu Sato

国際会議 Neutrino 2016 における講演

The XXVII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics
4-9 July 2016.
Royal Geographical Society in London

Links to Neutrino 2016

(Invited talk)
●A review of progress in R&D for neutrino detectors
Tsutomu FUKUDA

国際会議PRISMA における発表

Precision Physics, Fundamental Interactions and Structure of Matter
Workshop:Probing Fundamental Symmetries and Interactions with UCN
11-15 April 2016
JGU Mainz, Germany – Waldthausen Castle

●Development of high position resolution neutron detector using fine-grained nuclear emulsion


2016 Feb. 15-19, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

●WIMP tracking with cryogenic nuclear emulsion
Mitsuhiro Kimura

国際会議 ISETS’15 における発表


Oral session
●Result of OPERA Experiment
N. Kitagawa

●Δm223 Measurement in OPERA
T. Hayakawa

●R&D for Observation of Neutrino Nucleus Coherent Scattering
O. Sato,

●Cosmic-ray radiography with nuclear emulsion
K. Morishima

●Development of High Position Resolution Ultra-cold Neutron Detector
N. Naganawa,

●Development of nuclear emulsion for fast neutron measurement
S. Machii

Poster session
●HTS – Ultrafast Nuclear Emulsion Readout System
R. Komatani

●Description of the Life in the Hospital by the Word of Physics
M. Nakamura

●Study of Tumulus by the Method of Muon Radiography
K. Ishiguro

●Improvement of Sensitivity of Nuclear Emulsion
M. Moto

●Improvement of angular accuracy of nuclear emulsion by using thick type plastic base
Y. Manabe

●Improvement of imaging performance with Emulsion Cloud Chamber for muon radiography
M. Kuno

●Charm to electron decay event in OPERA
T. Matsushita

●Exploration of volcanic internal structure by cosmic ray radiography using nuclear emulsion
A. Nishio

●Dark Matter Search with Cryogenic Nuclear Emulsion
M. Kimura

●Analysis of hadron interactions detected in balloon-borne emulsion chamber by automated emulsion read-out system
M. Morishita