Category Archives: international conference

TAUP 2009

Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, TAUP2009
2009/07/01-05 at LNGS, Italy

Emulsion analysis in the OPERA experiment
Speaker: Naotaka Naganawa (長縄 直崇 DC3)

TAUP2009 Parallel Sessions – 2 July

CYGNUS 2009 Directional Dark Matter Detection

CYGNUS2009 Directional Dark Matter Detection
2009/06/11-13 at M.I.T ,USA

“Nuclear Emulsion for Directional Dark Matter Detection”
“R&D Status for Directional Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Emulsion”
Speaker: NAKA Tatsuhiro (中 竜大 DC2)

Motivation for Directional Detection, June 11

16th YKIS Conference Progress in Particles Physics 2008

16th YKIS Conference Progress in Particles Physics 2008
The OPERA Experiment status
Speaker: Osam Sato(佐藤 修)

the NNN08 International Workshop on Next Nucleon decay and Neutrino detectors

the NNN08 International Workshop on Next Nucleon decay and Neutrino detectors
2008/09/11-13 in the Buffon Amphitheatre at the Paris Diderot University

Current Status of The OPERA Experiment
Speaker: Kunihiro Morishima (DC3)
Thursday 11 September 2008

24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids Presentation

24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids
2008/09/01-05 at Bologna, Italy

Observation of latent image specks in nuclear emulsion for the purpose of precise estimation of local deposit energy
Speaker: KUBOTA Hirotaka (DC2)

Pan-Pacific Imaging Conference ’08

Pan-Pacific Imaging Conference ’08
2008/06/25-27 Tokyo, Japan

Observation of latent image specks in silver salt photography created by high energetic heavy ions for the purpose of precise estimation of local deposit energy
Speaker: KUBOTA Hirotaka (DC2)