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Category Archives: international conference
TAUP 2009
Topics in Astroparticle and Underground Physics, TAUP2009
2009/07/01-05 at LNGS, Italy
Emulsion analysis in the OPERA experiment
Speaker: Naotaka Naganawa (長縄 直崇 DC3)
CYGNUS 2009 Directional Dark Matter Detection
CYGNUS2009 Directional Dark Matter Detection
2009/06/11-13 at M.I.T ,USA
“Nuclear Emulsion for Directional Dark Matter Detection”
“R&D Status for Directional Dark Matter Search with Nuclear Emulsion”
Speaker: NAKA Tatsuhiro (中 竜大 DC2)
16th YKIS Conference Progress in Particles Physics 2008
16th YKIS Conference Progress in Particles Physics 2008
The OPERA Experiment status
Speaker: Osam Sato(佐藤 修)
the NNN08 International Workshop on Next Nucleon decay and Neutrino detectors
the NNN08 International Workshop on Next Nucleon decay and Neutrino detectors
2008/09/11-13 in the Buffon Amphitheatre at the Paris Diderot University
Current Status of The OPERA Experiment
Speaker: Kunihiro Morishima (DC3)
Thursday 11 September 2008
24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids Presentation
24th International Conference on Nuclear Tracks in Solids
2008/09/01-05 at Bologna, Italy
Observation of latent image specks in nuclear emulsion for the purpose of precise estimation of local deposit energy
Speaker: KUBOTA Hirotaka (DC2)
Pan-Pacific Imaging Conference ’08
Pan-Pacific Imaging Conference ’08
2008/06/25-27 Tokyo, Japan
Observation of latent image specks in silver salt photography created by high energetic heavy ions for the purpose of precise estimation of local deposit energy
Speaker: KUBOTA Hirotaka (DC2)